Bridge run, Christmas parade to impact CAT services

Savannah, Ga. – Chatham Area Transit services will be impacted by two downtown events on Saturday, Dec. 7.

Starting as early as 6 a.m., the Enmarket Savannah Bridge run will cause buses to be rerouted and delayed.

The Dot shuttle will not operate during the race, but will begin regular operations after the race when downtown streets have been reopened to traffic. Some impacts are expected to last until about 3 p.m.

CAT’s Savannah Belles Ferry will operate its regular schedule.

Then starting at about 5:30 p.m. the Savannah Waterfront Association’s Annual Lighted Christmas Parade is expected to impact three bus routes until about 7:30 p.m.

The routes that will be impacted are the Downtown Dot and Forsyth Dot loops, in addition to the 14 Abercorn.

See below for detailed information about the stops that will be missed during the bridge run and parade.

Stops missed during the bridge run

 3 West Chatham & 3B Augusta Ave/Garden City/Hudson Hill


  1. MLK & Liberty Street – Closest alternative: JMR Intermodal Transit Center (ITC)
  2. Old Louisville & West Boundary – Closest alternative JMR Intermodal Transit Center (ITC)
  3. Old Louisville & Stiles – Closest alternative: JMR Intermodal Transit Center (ITC)


  1. Old Louisville Rd. & Stiles – Closest alternative: Augusta & East Lathrop
  2. Old Louisville Rd. & West Boundary – Closest alternative: ITC
  3. MLK JR. & Liberty Street – Closest alternative: ITC

 4 Barnard


  1. Whitaker & Liberty – Closest alternative: ITC


No inbound stops missed

 10 East Savannah , 27 Waters, 28 Waters


  1. Oglehtorpe & Bull Street – Closest alternative: Oglethorpe & Abercorn  Street
  2. Oglethorpe & Barnard Street – Closest alternative: Oglethorpe & Abercorn  Street


  1. Oglehtorpe & Jefferson – Closest alternative: ITC

14 Abercorn


  1. Broughton & Jefferson (Next to McDonalds) – Closest alternative: ITC

17 Silk Hope


  1. MLK Jr. & Liberty Street – Closest alternative: MLK & Gaston Street


  1. MLK Jr. & Liberty Street ( In front of the visitors center) – Closest alternative: ITC
  2. Mlk Jr. & Gaston Street – Closest alternative: MLK JR. & Hall

31  Skidaway/Sand-fly


  1. Oglethorpe & Bull Street – Closest alternative: Oglethorpe & Abercorn
  2. Oglethorpe & Jefferson – Closest alternative: ITC


  1. Liberty & Whitaker – Closest alternative: ITC 

100 Airport Express


  1. Bryan & Abercorn – Closest alternative: Abercorn Oglethorpe
  2. Barnard & Bryan – Closest alternative: ITC
  3. Bryan & Montgomery – Closest alternative: ITC


No outbound stops missed

Stops missed during Christmas parade

 The following stops will be missed on the Forsyth Dot:

  1. Drayton &Oglethorpe Avenue – Closest alternative stop: Drayton and Liberty Street
  2. Drayton & Broughton Street – Closest alternative stop: Drayton and Liberty Street
  3. Bryan & Bull Street – Closest alternative stop: Whitaker & Liberty Street
  4. Whitaker & Broughton Street – Closest alternative stop: Whitaker & Liberty Street


The following stop will be missed on the Downtown Dot:

  1. MLK JR. Blvd. & Broughton Street – Closest alternative: Liberty & Jefferson Street (Next to the Civic Center)
  2. Congress & Jefferson – Closest alternative: Liberty & Jefferson Street (Next to the Civic Center)
  3. Congress & Bull Street – Closest alternative: Liberty & Jefferson Street (Next to the Civic Center)
  4. Congress & Lincoln Street – Closest alternative: Price & Oglethorpe


Stops missed on the 14 Abercorn (Inbound)

  1. Abercorn & Broughton Street (Next to the SCAD Library) – Closest alternative: Abercorn & Oglethorpe ( On the side of the cemetery)
  2. Broughton & Jefferson (In Front of McDonalds) – Closest alternative: JMR Intermodal Transit Center (ITC), 610 W. Oglethorpe Avenue.


The following stops will be missed on the 14 Abercorn (Outbound)

1.Broughton & Montgomery Street – Closest alternative: ITC

2.Brougthon & Barnard Street – Closest alternative: ITC

3.Broughton & Bull Street – Closest alternative: Abercorn & Oglethorpe (on the side of the fire station)

  1. Broughton & Abercorn Street – Closest alternative: Abercorn & Oglethorpe (on the side of the fire station)
  2. Abercorn & York – Closest alternative: Abercorn & Oglethorpe (on the side of the fire station)





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