CAT celebrates 35th anniversary throughout the month of October

It’s time for a celebration! Chatham Area Transit is recognizing 35 years as an authority throughout the month of October.

This is our time to remember how far we’ve come as an agency while starting new traditions for the next 35 years of service.

CAT has a lineup of events for our community and employees to enjoy this month.

Major events include:

October 4 – 7: Pop up Birthday Invitations at Bus Stops

October 10th – 14th: Fare Free week for Fixed-Route and Paratransit Operations

October 17th – 21st: Digital Scavenger Hunt & Prize Giveaways

October 28th: Anniversary Platform Party at the ITC (4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)

Every Thursday: Travel down memory lane with CAT on social media

CAT will also recognize our employees who have been with the agency for 35 years or more.

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