CAT Receives $13.5 Million Award

Chatham Area Transit (CAT) is proud to announce that it is the recipient of a 13.5 million dollar award from the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority’s GO! Transit Capital Program!

During the 2015 legislative session of the General Assembly, the State of Georgia allocated $75 million for public transit capital funding and gave authority over its funding and distribution to the Georgia State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). SRTA named the grant program to distribute these funds the GO! Transit Capital Program (GOTCP). The GOTCP is a competitive funding program designed to address some of the critical capital-related public transportation needs throughout Georgia, open to existing local, regional, and state transportation operators.

CAT staff developed four proposals to submit to the GOTCP for purchase of buses, construction of a satellite operations and maintenance center, expansion of the CAT Bike bike sharing network, and Transit Oriented Development (TOD). Today, Governor Nathan Deal announced that the CAT project to purchase new buses to reduce maintenance costs and enhance customer experience by improving reliability and on-time performance was selected. The anticipated 11 million dollars in state funding and 2.5 million dollars in local match funding will replace an aging bus fleet and allow CAT to reduce automotive congestion; enhance access to employment, education and health care opportunities; and provide improved service for current and expected increases in tourism and other area industries.

According to Governor Deal, “These 11 projects represent major milestones in transportation infrastructure and demonstrate our commitment to improving mobility in every corner of the state.” This award, along with the City of Savannah’s Complete Streets ordinance and other regional development plans, serves as a major step in CAT’s goal of improving the quality of life for all residents and visitors to Chatham County.

This is truly a proud moment for Chatham Area Transit and the residents of Savannah/Chatham County!

SRTA award pic of CAT staff and Board Members with Governor Nathan Deal


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