Catching a CAT

Why Catch A CAT?

Chatham Area Transit provides transportation throughout Savannah, unincorporated Chatham County and portions of Garden City. Our services connect residents and visitors to jobs, schools, hotels, shops, restaurants, and healthcare facilities. CAT’s network of buses links historic downtown with greater Savannah, providing an easy, efficient, safe, and inexpensive method of transit. Wherever you need to go in Savannah, we’ll get you there.

It's Easy

Fares cost $1.50 one-way for buses or buy a day pass for $3 and take unlimited rides on the system all day! Our downtown shuttles and ferries are FREE. We accept tickets, passes, and cash. Take a seat, and we’ll take you where you want to go.

It's Convenient

Parking can be expensive. Traffic can get heavy. By simply hopping on a bus or one of our free services, we’ll get you where you need to go quickly and affordably.

It's inexpensive

Compare the cost of using public transit with a car loan, oil changes, repairs, gasoline costs, insurance, parking fees, and on and on. It’s a simple choice.

It's relaxing

Forget the stresses of traffic, construction, detours and accidents. Let us do the work for you. Put in your headphones, peruse the Savannah Morning News or Connect Savannah, and ease your way into the day.


The more of us who ride public transportation, the less emissions we put in the air. Let’s do our part to keep pollution down and clean our air up.

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