SSU Homecoming 2015

Chatham Area Transit officials announce that they will operate a Park-and-Ride Shuttle for Savannah State University’s Homecoming Game on Saturday, October 17, 2015. The shuttle will aid in parking woes on campus as well as relieving traffic around the University.

Thanks to the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System, the shuttle will run between Myers Middle School parking lot (2025 East 52nd St.), Johnson High School parking lot (3012 Sunset Blvd.), and T. A. Wright Stadium. Shuttles will be in service 12:00 PM-7:00 PM, circulating approximately every 30 minutes. Parking in the public school lots is free, however, tailgating and/or loitering there is prohibited.

Cost for the shuttle is a $3 round-trip fare, and exact change is encouraged. CAT change cards will be issued if change is required. It is against policy for operators to make change, and it is for their own safety that they do not carry cash. Hold on to your pass. You’ll need it for the return trip to your car.

Kickoff is at 2:00 PM, and it’s going to be a great day! Leave your car and cares behind you, and Catch a CAT to the Big Game. Go Tigers!

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