CAT is committed to providing excellent on time service that is safe, comfortable, and easy to use.
Every day we strive to ensure that our service not only lives up to your expectations but exceeds them. That is our promise to you! So when we help connect you with the people and places you love, or if we ever fall short on our promise of the highest quality service, please let us know. We value your feedback.
Email: info@catchacat.org
Phone: (912) 233-5767
Fax: (912) 629-3960
Mailing Address
Chatham Area Transit
PO Box 9118
Savannah, GA 31412
Customer Service and Lost & Found
Transit Customer Advocates are standing by from 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday;
8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. (912) 233-5767
Lost & Found is located at CAT Central, 900 E. Gwinnett Street, Savannah, GA 31401. Please call ahead so your item can be located.
Paratransit Information and Reservations
6 a.m. to 8 p.m. – (912) 233-5767
After 8 p.m. – (912) 651-0490
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. – (912) 233-5767
After 4 p.m. – (912) 651-0490
Ticket Window *
Joe Murray Rivers, Jr. Intermodal Transit Center
610 W. Oglethorpe Avenue, Savannah, Ga. 31401
HOURS: 7 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday through Friday
* For additional ticket sales locations, please visit Fares & Passes.
CAT Outbound Newsletter: Email marketing@catchacat.org to subscribe.
Media Contact
Public Information Office/Communications Manager A’riel Johnson
Public Records Requests: Fill out the Public Records Request Form on our News & Events page.
Title VI
Chatham Area Transit Authority is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from, participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, religion, income status or limited English proficiency (LEP) in any and all programs, activities or services administered by Chatham Area Transit Authority in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination authorities. Visit our Title VI page to learn more.

In Case of a Major Emergency or Disaster
CAT is proud to partner with CEMA, the Chatham Emergency Management Agency, for the safety of our community. To learn more about CEMA or to sign up for their newsletter or alerts, visit their website or call (912) 201-4500.
In the event of a major emergency or disaster, such as a hurricane, CEMA will activate warning sirens. Whenever you hear a warning siren, you should go inside and check a TV or radio for advisories.
Should evacuation be required, CAT will continue to run regular routes as long as possible while also stopping at the staging area (Civic Center) on each trip to accommodate those without their own form of transportation for evacuation. Click here to open the CEMA brochure about taking public transportation, bringing pets, and more. To find out when you can return home, call the CEMA Re-entry Hotline: 1-855-880-2362 (toll-free).
The Chatham County Health Department maintains a Functional and Medical Needs Registry which consists of residents who may require medical assistance during emergencies. Those on the registry may need specially trained health care providers, special facilities equipped to meet their needs, and specialized vehicles and equipment for transport. If a hurricane is threatening our area, it is important CEMA and Health Department officials know where the most vulnerable residents are located so that evacuation assistance can be provided to them. How to Register:
- Call the Functional and Medical Needs Coordinator at the Chatham County Health Department, (912) 356-2441.
CAT Management
Stephanie Cutter
Interim Executive Director/CEO
Dr Emmanuel Twumasi
Chief Operation Officer
Mary Moskowitz
Chief Planning, Infrastructure, and Development Officer
912 – 629-6452
Gloria Royal
Interim Chief Financial Officer
Wendy Arden
Assistant COO – Paratransit Operations
Enoch Dumas
Assistant COO – Fixed Route Operations
912 629-3908
John Allen
Assistant COO – Marine Operations
Tia Baker
ADA/Paratransit program manager
Samuel Kennedy
Safety, Security, & Risk Manager
Contact Form
Please use the form below to share your questions, suggestions, and comments. The data submitted will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to third parties.