Give a gift of CAT bus passes this holiday season

If you are looking for great stocking stuffers, the Chatham Area Transit Authority (CAT) has just what you need.

CAT bus passes are terrific inexpensive gifts. An All-Day Pass is only $3; a Weekly Pass costs just $14 (or $2 a day); and a Monthly Pass is $50 (or $1.61 a day). Discounted passes are available for youth, seniors, people with disabilities and Medicare cardholders.

Gift givers not only get a great inexpensive stocking stuffer by purchasing these passes for friends and relatives, but also can save time and money by purchasing their own transit passes. CAT buses go directly by the malls in Chatham County, including Savannah Mall and Oglethopre Mall. Save money and time by not driving or searching for a parking space at the busy malls.

For more information on these fantastic stocking stuffers or bus schedules, contact the Customer Ride Line at (912) 233-5767 or check out the CAT website at

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