Network Concepts Survey open through May 17

Information available online and ITC


The second phase for Chatham Area Transit’s Let’s Go! Designing Better Transit Together is well-underway with activities encouraging residents to participate in the Network Concepts survey.  Available through May 17, the survey includes questions seeking feedback on two network concepts that illustrate the trade-off between providing a high frequency or wide coverage transit network.

Information about the Network Concepts and the survey are available online at letsgo.catchacat.orgPaper copies of the survey are available at the Joe Murray Rivers Intermodal Transit Center (ITC).  In addition, CAT officials are excited to announce the installation of a large-format display at the ITC to share information about the Network Concepts with customers who pass through the center.  Information is also on display at all Live Oak Public Libraries in CAT’s service area, including Bull Street, Carnegie, Forest City, Islands, Oglethorpe Mall, Port City, Southwest Chatham, W. W. Law, and West Broad.

“As we continue to seek input from the community for our network redesign, we want to meet people where they are,” CAT CEO and Executive Director Curtis Koleber said.  “Having information available online as well as in person throughout the community maximizes the opportunities for CAT to reach a broad population.  In particular, our large format display and surveys at the transit center maximizes involvement of our riders.”

This second phase launched with the Network Concepts Unveiling on April 11.  Since then, multiple ‘pop-up’ events have been held in various locations with members of the project team discussing the concepts with people and encouraging them to take the survey.  Additional pop-up events are planned at the ITC on the following dates and times:

  • Friday, May 3, 6 a.m. – 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 7, 10 a.m. – Noon
  • Thursday, May 9, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

The Let’s Go! Designing Better Transit Together system redesign project will rely heavily on input from the community. The project is anticipated to conclude at the end of 2019.  More information is available at

Let’s Go! Designing Better Transit Together will result in an overhaul of CAT’s fixed-route bus network, based on technical analysis, best practices, and input from the community. The 18-month comprehensive redesign effort is a first for CAT, which has many bus routes that have not been changed in decades despite the changing and growing community.  The consultant team is led by Jarrett Walker + Associates, an international transit planning firm based in Portland, Oregon, with assistance from Symbioscity, an urban planning firm based in Savannah

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