Try Transit Week 2014

Chatham Area Transit officials announce that “Try Transit Week” will be observed October 20–24, 2014. Try Transit Week calls upon all citizens to join in a nationwide effort to promote transit’s benefits, honor transit employees, and encourage new riders to TRY TRANSIT!

During Try Transit Week, CAT will sponsor the following activities:

  • Monday, October 20th – Passenger Appreciation Day. Members of CAT staff will greet passengers at the Transit Center and major transfer points as we thank them for their patronage and distribute small gifts.
  • Tuesday, October 21st – Government Employees Appreciation Day. All current government employees will be able to ride public transportation FREE on that day with their employee identification.
  • Wednesday, October 22ndStudent Appreciation Day. All school children, grades K–12, will be allowed to ride the bus FREE while they are in uniform. College students will ride FREE with a current and valid college identification card.
  • Thursday, October 23rdSenior/Disabled Citizens Appreciation Day. Citizens 62 years and older, along with members of the disabled community, will ride the bus and be transported via paratransit FREE.
  • Friday, October 24thTransit Employees Appreciation Day. We will have something special planned for our employees on that day.


You never know until you try, so celebrate Try Transit Week with CAT!

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